Army of Crypto «Archery» card

Archery is an NFT card from the Army of Crypto collection. Get it now and transfer it to your AOC account to start playing with it!

ArmyOfCrypto AOC AOCmagic AOCweakMagic TradingCard NFT Archery


Pay with 10,000,000.00 ONIX*
Buy ONIX at Xeggex with USDT/USDC/LTC, at Graviex with USDT/BTC/LTC or at Blockchain Financial with multiple altcoins.

1 available

Sold by:
BongoFlava's NFT shop

Full description

Archery is a trading card from the Army of Crypto game that belongs to the AOCMAGS collection minted on the Onixcoin Blockchain.

About Archery:

A strong army is the one that is equipped with many arrows during the battle. This spell allows your card to have additional arrows for a certain amount of rounds. Leverage the attack and mobility of your army by using this magic and conquering your opponent.

NFT specifications

* ONIX prices are subject to market value taken from Blockchain Financial price indexes.
* They might change at the time of checkout.

This product has been generated automatically by the Onix Marketplace API Client at the Army of Crypto website. Publishing job id: 101692518483429.
Before buying it, make sure to visit the authenticity verification URL provided above and make sure you find the transfer details (including the job id above) in the token changelog.

All product details

Attack Power: 0
Base Element: Spirit
Base Type: Supportive
Character Class: Attack
Hierarchy: Magic
Life: 1
Nodes: 3
Set Type: Normal
Strength: weak