Army of Crypto «Crypto Hacker» card
Crypto Hacker is an NFT card from the Army of Crypto collection. Get it now and transfer it to your AOC account to start playing with it!
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1 available
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psyMacola's NFT shop
Full description
Crypto Hacker is a trading card from the Army of Crypto game that belongs to the AOCSOLDS collection minted on the Onixcoin Blockchain.
About Crypto Hacker:
The security of the blockchain network is continuously tested by the large number of attempts coming from the notorious Crypto Hacker. The computer wiz constantly keeps the Crypto Dev on alert for suspicious activity on the chain. The lone soldier who attacks from the shadows of the dark web, remains a constant threat of a surprise attack.
NFT specifications
- Smart contract address: 7dc34d7b...b5c24581
- Token id: 345443
- Minted on: 2022-07-15 19:08:40 GMT -5
- Minting TXID: e13897fa...1d7e4bf1
- Token metadata IPFS CID: ipfs://QmfQ8kb4...UACMAPkS
- Full resolution image IPFS CID: ipfs://QmY37qa4...sZjFzpzq
- Full details and authenticity verification URL:
* ONIX prices are subject to market value taken from
Blockchain Financial price indexes.
* They might change at the time of checkout.
All product details
Attack Power: 26 Base Element: Thunder Base Type: Elemental Character Class: Humans Hierarchy: Soldier Life: 28 Nodes: 1 Set Type: Normal Sides: downleft Strength: weak