Setup the Onix wallet on a Raspberry Pi computer

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If you have a Raspberry Pi 4 with the 64 bits version of the RasPiOS -or any other Linux distro running at 64 bits-, and at least 4 GB of RAM, just get the package from our GitHub repo and extract it:

 Get it from our downloads page

 Get it from our GitHub repository

Note: we don't know if the wallet runs on earlier versions of the RPi -like the Pi 3-, but it is certainly sure that it won't run on the "standard" RasPiOS version, since it runs at 32 bits, and our wallet is only compatible with 64 bit platforms.

How to get RasPiOS for 64 bits

RasPiOS x64 is still in beta, but it has been going a long way since its initial releases. If you, like us, want to use the Pi as server and access it over VNC, the latest version includes it!

Burning the image into an SD card is as simple as:

  • Pick the latest folder from  the  RasPiOS ARM 64 downloads page.
  • Download the zip file.
  • Open the Raspberry Pi Imager tool.
  • On the OS selection, choose "Use custom" and lookup the zip file you downloaded.
  • Select the SD card you'll write it to and burn it.
  • Boot your Pi with the fresh OS install.
  • Open the web browser and download our wallet.
  • Extract the package and start using it!

The package includes two shell scripts to add/remove the icon of our wallet on the system menu.