Onixcoin Tokenomics Update

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We're excited to announce an important update to our tokenomics! As part of our ongoing efforts to optimize the Onixcoin ecosystem, we have made some significant changes that will enhance the overall project experience for our valued supporters.

🔒 Closing of the Swap Window:

We are pleased to share that the swap window for Onixcoin has now closed. During this period, a total of 48,998,325 ONIX coins were successfully swapped, equivalent to an impressive 38.4% of the total supply. We want to express our gratitude to all participants who took part in the swap program, contributing to the growth and success of Onixcoin.

📊 Token Distribution Overview:

To provide a comprehensive overview of our tokenomics, here's a summary of the distribution of ONIX coins across our different pools:

1️⃣ Community Swap:

A total of 48,998,325 ONIX coins have been swapped from GRWI tokens through our Community Swap pool. This initiative allowed us to reward our early supporters and facilitate the transition to the Onixcoin ecosystem.

2️⃣ Company Reserve:

Our Company Reserve pool contains 6,378,555 ONIX coins, locked for a minimum of 3 years. These funds are strategically allocated to support the overall growth and development of the project, rewarding developers involved in the creation of the project.

3️⃣ Giveaway/Contest:

To promote the platform and foster community growth, we have set aside 4,378,555 ONIX coins, equivalent to 3.43% of the total supply, in our Giveaway/Contest pool. These coins will be used for fair distribution and exciting giveaways to engage our community.

4️⃣ Project Development Incentives:

Our Project Development Incentives pool, totaling 7,857,248 ONIX coins, is aimed at encouraging game developers to join the Onixcoin ecosystem. Developers can apply for incentives ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 ONIX, depending on their project's stage of development and commitment to our ecosystem. The allocation process involves project submission, review by our team, and a community vote for final approval.

5️⃣ Community Partnership:

Within our Community Partnership pool, we have reserved 2,551,422 ONIX coins to support our dedicated community moderators. These individuals play a vital role in maintaining an engaging community atmosphere, disseminating project updates, and fostering inclusivity. We appreciate their valuable contributions and are proud to allocate a portion of this pool to compensate them for their efforts.

6️⃣ Staking Reward:

The Staking Reward pool contains a total of 19,135,665 ONIX coins. As the Onixcoin community holds and stakes their ONIX tokens, they will be rewarded through our Proof of Stake (POS) consensus mechanism. The depletion of this pool is estimated to occur by the year 2031 or when block 5,260,492 is created.

7️⃣ Marketing and Advertising:

We are excited to introduce the "Marketing and Advertising" pool, consisting of 12,757,110 ONIX coins. This pool will be utilized to execute targeted marketing campaigns and collaborate with influential personalities in the industry. Our objective is to expand the reach and awareness of the Onixcoin blockchain, positioning ourselves as a leading player in the blockchain space.

8️⃣ Strategic Partnership:

We have allocated 7,654,266 ONIX coins to our Strategic Partnership pool. This reserve will be instrumental in establishing meaningful collaborations and partnerships with projects and individuals who align with our vision, values, and objectives. Through these partnerships, we aim to unlock new opportunities and synergies for mutual growth and success.

9️⃣ Liquidity Providers:

The Liquidity Providers pool comprises 7,654,266 ONIX coins and is dedicated to enhancing liquidity within the Onixcoin ecosystem. By partnering with reputable liquidity providers, we will ensure ample liquidity for ONIX trading pairs across decentralized and centralized exchanges, fostering a smooth trading experience for our users.

🔟 Incubator and Accelerator Program:

To foster rapid development and growth, we have set aside 10,205,688 ONIX coins for our Incubator and Accelerator Program. Through strategic collaborations with established programs, we will gain valuable insights, mentorship, and support to propel the Onixcoin project forward.

These updated tokenomics reflect our commitment to creating a robust and sustainable ecosystem that benefits our community, gamers, and users alike. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to sharing more exciting updates as we progress on our journey towards revolutionizing the gaming and blockchain industry.

Stay tuned for more news and developments from Onixcoin! 🎮🌐💪

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