Army of Crypto NFTs collection

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Our NFT collection powers our Trading Cards game. We made several characters based on the Crypto world and grouped them in four hierarchies.

A total of 912,284 NFTs were minted:

Smart contracts

Each group has its own smart contract:

  • Soldiers: 7dc34d7ba92ad0046dd5f3ee2b9e00f9b5c24581
  • Generals: a61d572d9ff5094b35c54d19fe321fc8481305ec
  • Legendaries: 2836ac04ac6953920f4b47de23ac526a5197dca1
  • Magics: 81ba95db8ff7e2daf689b338382f3671c1c8f586

All smart contracts are based on the AOC-721 contract, which is based on the official ORC-721 implementation. The ABIs used for interacting with them on the desktop wallet are the next:

Call Contract ABI    Copy
    "name": "",
    "type": "constructor",
    "payable": false,
    "inputs": [
        "name": "name_",
        "type": "string",
        "indexed": false
        "name": "symbol_",
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        "indexed": false
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    "constant": true,
    "anonymous": false
    "name": "Approval",
    "type": "event",
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        "name": "tokenId",
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    "constant": true,
    "anonymous": false
    "name": "ApprovalForAll",
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        "indexed": true
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        "type": "bool",
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    "constant": true,
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    "constant": true,
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    "name": "Transfer",
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Send to Contract ABI    Copy
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    "constant": false,
    "anonymous": false

Select the group to show members of each collection: