SuperStaking pools available now

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During the past weekend we inaugurated the Docs forum on our website, and the first two documents were related to a great function of our core wallet:

  • Offline staking: delegate your ONIX to a SuperStaker and then shut it down and leave it work for you without losing control of your coins.
  • SuperStaking: allow other ONIX users to delegate their coins to you so both sum up and have a better chance of hitting POS rewards.

It took us several days to prep everything and make these two great tutorials:

But that was just the beginning

We [the Onix Team] created the first SuperStaking pool and helped out BCF to do the same.

While working on tests, a couple of GRWI fans that became Onix fans wanted to do the same, and we helped them out setting up their SuperStakers.

So far, we have three options with one going to be published later today:

  • Our own pool: starting out with 250k ONIX from our company reserves. We will give part of the earnings back to the Onix community once we define the mechanism.
  • The BCF pool: starting out with 250k ONIX from their CEO's funds (swapped from GRWI holdings) and with the promise to give back to the community a portion of the earnings in the near future.
  • The Army of Onix pool: starting out with 350K onix, also obtained after a GRWI swap.

All pools above have been set with a standard 10% fee over delegate rewards.

If you want to stake in any of the listed pools, just go to the SuperStakers registry and check them all, then pick one and delegate your Onix.

Go to the SuperStakers registry now

Happy staking!